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Journal Articles
- Proton-unbound states in 24Al relevant for the 23Mg(𝑝,𝛾) reaction in novae (2024).
- Fine structure of the isoscalar giant monopole resonance in 58Ni, 90Zr, 120Sn, and 208Pb (2024).
- Photo-response of the N = Z nucleus 24Mg (2023).
- 138Ba(d,α) study of states in 136Cs: Implications for new physics searches with xenon detectors (2023).
- An integrated online radioassay data storage and analytics tool for nEXO (2023).
- Isoscalar giant monopole strength in 58Ni, 90Zr, 120Sn, and 208Pb (2023).
- Plausible explanation for the third COVID-19 wave in India and its implications (2023).
- Performance of novel VUV-sensitive Silicon Photo-Multipliers for nEXO (2022).
- Coulomb excitation of 102Ru with 12C and 16O (2022).
- Development of a 127Xe calibration source for nEXO (2022).
- Proton capture on 30P in novae: On the existence of states at 6.40 MeV and 6.65 MeV in 31S (2022).
- Isoscalar giant monopole resonance in 24Mg and 28Si: Effect of coupling between the isoscalar monopole and quadrupole strength (2022).
- Towards predicting COVID-19 infection waves: A random-walk Monte Carlo simulation approach (2022).
- Isospin mixing and the cubic isobaric multiplet mass equation in the lowest T = 2, A = 32 quintet (2021).
- nEXO: neutrinoless double beta decay search beyond 1028 year half-life sensitivity (2021).
- A new logistic growth model applied to COVID-19 fatality data (2021).
- Spectroscopy of states in 136Ba using the 138Ba(p,t) reaction (2021).
- Reflectivity of VUV-sensitive silicon photomultipliers in liquid Xenon (2021).
- A random walk Monte Carlo simulation study of COVID-19-like infection spread (2021).
- Investigation of pair-correlated 0+ states in 134Ba via the 136Ba(p,t) reaction (2021).
- Observation of the 02+ and γ bands in 98Ru, and shape coexistence in the Ru isotopes (2020).
- Benchmarking 136Xe neutrinoless ββ decay matrix element calculations with the 138Ba(p,t) reaction (2020).
- Shape coexistence and multiparticle-multihole structures in 110,112Cd (2020).
- Multiple Shape Coexistence in 110,112Cd (2019).
- High-resolution (p,t) reaction measurements as spectroscopic tests of ab-initio theory in the mid-pf shell (2019).
- Precise branching ratio measurements in 19Ne β decay and fundamental tests of the weak interaction (2019).
- Second T = 3/2 state in 9B and the isobaric multiplet mass equation (2018).
- Nuclear structure of 112Cd studied through the 111Cd(d,p) reaction (2018).
- Reorientation-effect measurement of the first 2+ state in 12C: Confirmation of oblate deformation (2018).
- 2+1 to 3+1 γ width in 22Na and second class currents (2017).
- New decay modes of the high-spin isomer of 124Cs (2017).
- Scattering of the Halo Nucleus 11Be on 197Au at Energies around the Coulomb Barrier (2017).
- α clustering in 28Si probed through the identification of high-lying 0+ states (2017).
- Re-examining the 26Mg(α,α’)26Mg reaction: Probing astrophysically important states in 26Mg (2017).
- Characterization of the proposed 4-α cluster state candidate in 16O (2017).
- CAKE: the coincidence array for K600 experiments (2017).
- Conversion electron study of 110Cd: Evidence of new E0 branches (2016).
- Shell evolution approaching the N = 20 island of inversion: Structure of 26Na (2016).
- Ground-state and pairing-vibrational bands with equal quadrupole collectivity in 124Xe (2015).
- Quadrupole-octupole coupled states in 112Cd populated in the 111Cd(d,p) reaction (2014).
- Lifetime measurements of states in 15O (2014).
- High-precision branching-ratio measurement for the superallowed β+ emitter 74Rb (2013).
- Excited 0+ states in 62Zn populated via the 64Zn(p,t)62Zn reaction (2013).
- Beam suppression of the DRAGON recoil separator for 3He(α,γ)7Be (2013).
- Experimental 64Zn(d,t)63Zn spectroscopic factors: Guidance for isospin-symmetry-breaking calculations (2013).
- Inelastic scattering of 9Li and excitation mechanism of its first excited state (2013).
- Improved half-life determination and β-delayed γ-ray spectroscopy for 18Ne decay (2013).
Conference Proceedings